Back to blogging since leaving home on Friday, June 25, and having the first internet access since then- how quickly we can get accustomed to having technology right at our finger-tips!
We had a nice family reunion at Phillipsburg, OH on Saturday, June 25, for the Jones family (Bev's mothers side of the family, who incidentally have Boones Mill, VA roots. Discovered at the family reunion some added info about a family cemetery around Boones Mill that we'll be looking for once we get moved to Rocky Mount.
I preached at Eversole COB, New Lebanon, OH on Sunday, June 27 (this is our home congregation) for their 100th anniversary. I preached on "Out with the old and in with the new?" as a question rather than a statement. The premise being that in Matthew 13:51-52 we are to bring both the old and the new out of our storehouse of faith to our living as Christ followers in the kingdom of heaven.
We also were able to spend time with both our daughters and their families, extended family, Bev's mother, my father and stepmother, and my mother and step-father. My step-father, Don Woolery who has been under in-home Hospice care was taken to the Hospice center in Dayton, Ohio for 6 days and treated for pneumonia. He is back home and doing some better. The picture is of Bev, her mother Ruth Bell and our daughter Erin and her husband Jeremy Schmidt and their two sons, Trevor (to the left) and Evan (to the right).
We are in Ohio for tomorrow and part of Saturday morning, July 3 before traveling to Pittsburg, PA and Annual Conference before we return home on July 7.